More drugs by post intercepted by Customs | news item

News item | 13-07-2022 | 14:04

Number of drug seizures stable in the first half

The number of kilograms of drugs seized by Customs in the past six months has remained approximately the same as in the first half of 2021. This is apparent from Customs’ published six-month figures on drug seizures. Striking is the tripling of the number of postal items containing synthetic drugs that have been intercepted. Customs has made additional checks on mail that is sent out in the Netherlands.

In the first six months, Customs intercepted 22,009 kilograms of cocaine. That is slightly lower than in the first half of 2021, when 22,456 kilos of cocaine were intercepted. The number of consignments for the Netherlands that has been seized abroad, on the other hand, shows a large increase. From 30,000 kilos in the first half of 2021, to 47,000 kilos a year later. In recent years, Customs has expanded its cooperation with other countries, for example by exchanging information more often with countries from which a lot of cocaine is smuggled.

More drugs intercepted by mail

In the past year, Customs increased the number of physical checks on outgoing mail. Customs also cooperates with the United States and Australia, among others. This has led to a sharp increase in the number of confiscated postal items from the Netherlands. This concerns approximately 13,500 confiscated shipments. That is a tripling of the number of intercepted mail items a year earlier.

‘Drug smuggling is a major social problem and must be tackled hard and smart. The half-year figures on drug seizures by Customs show that more can be achieved through cooperation, also internationally,’ says State Secretary Aukje de Vries of Allowances and Customs. ‘We don’t want hard drugs being smuggled into the Netherlands. In the same way, we must also play our part and intercept the drugs shipped from the Netherlands to other countries. I think it’s very good that we are stopping more and more outgoing mail, including ecstasy pills.’

Ecstasy and other drugs

In addition to cocaine, Customs also intercepted other types of drugs such as heroin, marijuana and khat. Striking is the 65 kilos of XTC that Customs intercepted in the port of Rotterdam. The shipment was destined for Chile. It was the first time since 2017 that Customs encountered XTC again, worldwide hardly any maritime catches of XTC/MDMA have been reported for years.

There is intensive national cooperation to combat drug smuggling. Customs, for example, participates with the FIOD, the police and the Public Prosecution Service in Hit and Run Cargo (HARC) Teams. Customs catches are regularly made in part thanks to the information provided by the partner organisation. Customs has made an infographic showing the types of drugs that have been intercepted during the first six months.

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Image: Ministry of Finance
