more competition, by Martí Saballs

The price of the same bottle of oil, carton of milk, identical kilo of oranges or frozen hake varies considerably depending on the neighborhood, town or establishment where you buy. The recognized PVP varies depending on two factors: the commercial strategy of the distributor and the costs applied to the product.

Example: buying the same product in a shopping center such as l’Illa Diagonal or in a specialized grocery store on Rambla Catalunya or Sarrià has a higher price than doing it in a neighborhood supermarket, in a town or even in a 24-hour convenience store . Even in the same supermarket, the price varies depending on whether it is located on the coast or inland. affect the price the square meter of rent, the distribution process via intermediaries, marketing and the salary of the employees. Also, obviously, the profit margin -very narrow compared to other sectors- that you want to charge because the business owner has every right in the world to want to earn some money.

It is enough to look back to realize the growing fierce competition that has existed in the market for the sale of products of all kinds: from food to personal hygiene. Before, I remember from the eighties, even in medium-sized towns you could barely go shopping in three places. The offer was also very limited. Even bakeries of all colors and designs have grown like mushrooms after the rain. All kinds of desires have been generated. Like it or not: it is the free market. Today, to buy milk or any basic necessity product, you have to have done a doctoral thesis.

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