“More attention for chocolate shops than local residents”: residents of Bruges Katelijnestraat dissatisfied

“More attention for chocolate shops than local residents”: residents of Bruges Katelijnestraat dissatisfied

The dissatisfaction revolves around the introduction of low-traffic shopping streets without proper diversions. “There are major consequences for the zone from Katelijnestraat to far beyond the Vismarkt/Visardpark.” They also point to the closure of Geldmuntstraat to traffic and the rearrangement of the Zand area. The activists lash out at ships Mercedes Van Volcem.

“For example, there is incomprehension for the statement of alderman Van Volcem, who was more interested in keeping the local beer & chocolate merchants happy than in seeing the consequences for the accessibility of a gigantic part of the center of Bruges,” they write. “The fact that she wrongly announced with flair that it will be car-free anyway does not show any tact.”


There is also not enough parking space for the number of resident permits, they say. In an open letter they state that residents should also be able to get subscriptions in underground parking garages.

“According to the current plan, some streets will not reach their goal in a regulatory manner,” the letter reads. “In other places, supply is made practically impossible. And yes: there are still active traders and industries in the city center where the customer must also be able to drive up to them (e.g. valuation of paintings, etc.). Has the Mobility department investigated this thoroughly?”

Lost all feeling

Soon not a single alderman in the coalition will live in the historic center of Bruges and the city council will lose touch with the residents.
