More and more reports in France of mysterious needle pricks in discotheques | Abroad

France is under the spell of a strange phenomenon in the nightlife. In various cities, more and more testimonials are emerging from young people who claim to have been pricked with a needle in a discotheque or in a bar. The French police are now investigating the matter.

Several files are open. According to the French channel France Info, the police are investigating 130 incidents. In most cases, the complaints come from young women. There is a lot of concern on social media.

Partygoers report a sudden jab, after which they feel unwell. Blood tests, however, showed no foreign substances in the blood of victims. Often a red spot is visible.

Police are calling on partygoers to be vigilant and report any incidents. If you feel a prick, it is best to be examined in the hospital.

United Kingdom

A similar problem was discussed in the United Kingdom some time ago. Several cases were identified of young students who were pricked with a needle while going out.

Student Sarah Buckle was one of the victims. She was out in Nottingham on September 28 when she suddenly fell ill. She described how one minute she was fine and the next she couldn’t get her words out or stand still.

She woke up the next morning in the hospital with a small pinprick on her hand. “I’ve had too much to drink before, but this was completely different,” she said. “I don’t understand why this is happening, it’s terrifying. You can cover your drinks, but how can you stop someone from stabbing you?”
