More and more provincials are opting for a swimming pool in the garden: “Sometimes a long waiting time”

A swimming pool in the garden is no longer part of huge villas with a few hectares of land. More and more people from North Holland are investing in water fun, according to a telephone call with swimming pool builders. That popularity brings with it a new problem. Some swimming pools have a long waiting time.

Dave Droog from Heerhugowaard started the Swimming Pool Construction company a few years ago and is extremely busy. He has no comparison material with ten years ago, but he started his company precisely because he noticed that there was a lot of demand for swimming pools.

“There was already more demand for swimming pools in the south of the Netherlands, but recently you have noticed that there is also more enthusiasm here in the north of North Holland,” he explains.

More beautiful summers

It’s not just multi-millionaires who have swimming pools installed. According to him, more and more entrepreneurs or young families are opting for a swimming pool. “That is of course wonderful for the children.”

According to Droog, an explanation for the increase in the popularity of private swimming pools lies in the corona period. As a result, people have saved money and, according to him, the need has arisen to invest in their own garden. “In addition, we are also getting more and more beautiful summers. That also helps, of course.”

That popularity creates a shortage. According to the pool builder, some companies are having trouble getting materials for swimming pools. “I hear from companies that you sometimes have to wait two years.”

Plunge Pool

Eveline Stork of Stork Swimming Pools recognizes herself in Droog’s story. “The trend that more and more people have their own swimming pool in the garden has really started during the corona period,” she explains.

In addition to ‘normal’ swimming pools, so-called plunge pools are also popular. These are smaller swimming pools that fit well in, for example, a city garden. “Fortunately, we can deliver. We make custom-made swimming pools, so we don’t have any shortages,” says Stork.

An employee of Sauna & Stoom from Heerhugowaard emphasizes that the entire industry has been busy since the corona period: “That does not only apply to swimming pools, but also to saunas or new kitchens, for example.”

do it yourself

No time to wait or do you just like to work? Then according to Nicole Prins from Duivendrecht you can also do it relatively easily build your own swimming pool. In the instruction video below you can see how she did it.
