More and more outdoor sleepers in Ter Apel

In recent weeks, members of the civil guard in Ter Apel have returned several asylum seekers sleeping outside in the village to the asylum seeker center (azc) in Ter Apel. That reports RTV North. For various reasons they slept in and around the center of the village. The members of the civil guard are fed up with this: “That is not according to the agreement.”

In the middle of the night the vigilante gathers, someone has spotted a ‘sleeper outside’. It lies on shopping carts on the Market Square in Ter Apel. “That doesn’t belong here. It should remain within the COA,” says Harry Siemers. He is one of the members of the vigilante group. The ten of them, flashlight in hand, approach the asylum seeker, who is lying on the shopping carts. “Hello, how are you? Why are you sleeping here?” asks Willeke Vroom of the vigilante.
