More and more flexi-job workers are starting to work | Economy

Flexi-jobs are becoming increasingly popular. HR services group Liantis reported this on Saturday. Half of the companies that are allowed to offer flexi-jobs did so this year.

According to data from the RSZ, more than 120,000 flexi-job workers were working in the second quarter of 2023. A year earlier, there were just under 100,000 in the same quarter.

Half of all companies that are allowed to invoke the statute did so in the past ten months, Liantis calculated. On average, these companies employed 6.1 flexi-job workers. The catering sector remains the outlier. Flexi-job workers were used in just under 70 percent of the cases.

The popularity of the statute – in the catering industry and many other sectors – is due to various aspects, according to experts. “On the one hand, there is the fact that many people, due to inflation and the rising costs of, for example, the shopping cart and electricity, are looking for a way to earn some extra money flexibly without too much administration and hassle,” says Matthias Debruyckere of Liantis. “On the other hand, many employers are looking for solutions to deal with the staff shortage in their company.”

There is a real chance that the number of flexi-job workers will increase even further in the coming years. From January 1, the system will be expanded with twelve additional sectors. This includes garages, moving companies and funeral directors.
