More and more Flemish people are being treated for diabetes | medical

More and more Flemish people are receiving treatment for diabetes. In 2010, 47 in 1,000 inhabitants of the Flemish Region received treatment, in 2020 this was already 60 in 1,000. This is evident from figures from Statistics Flanders on Thursday.

According to the Diabetes League, the increase is the result of an aging population and a lifestyle that more often leads to overweight. The increase is in line with the international trend, says spokeswoman Inge Everaert.

The figures from Statistics Flanders show that more men (64 per 1,000) than women (56 per 1,000) are treated for diabetes. The proportion also increases with age. This is 207 per 1,000 for males over 75, and 176 per 1,000 for females. In addition, there are enormous variations per municipality: from 40 per 1,000 in Sint-Genesius-Rode to 93 per 1,000 in Middelkerke. The provinces of West and East Flanders and Limburg have the most municipalities with high shares.

The Diabetes League points out that research by health institute Sciensano shows that one in three people with type 2 diabetes are not diagnosed. In absolute numbers, this concerns an estimated 400,000 Belgians. They are therefore certainly not included in the figures.

The figures from Statistics Flanders concern people who use medication to treat diabetes, who have concluded a diabetes convention, who have a diabetes follow-up or who are included in a diabetes care process. Statistics Flanders used data from the health insurance funds for this. The figures do not distinguish according to type of diabetes. People who take the medication but do not have diabetes are also included in the figures.
