More allotment gardens in rural municipalities: “Not only plants, but also barbecuing together”

More allotment gardens in rural municipalities: “Not only plants, but also barbecuing together”

Nele van Bosdroom vzw has an allotment garden at her house in Ruddervoorde. Everyone can go here to help dig into the earth. Last year, the non-profit organization received 20,000 euros from Flanders for a new allotment garden. “We can use this to purchase materials and we can purchase planting material and seeds.”

Not just in the city

Projects in Geluwe, Wervik, Kortemark, Poperinge and Zedelgem also received Flemish money, according to data requested by Flemish Member of Parliament Brecht Warnez (CD&V) from Wingene.

Striking, usually in rural areas. “In the past, allotment gardens were something exclusive to the cities. Now we see them popping up in the countryside too, because the neighborhoods are getting smaller and smaller,” says Warnez.
