Moor suspicion of Tupac Shakur volhardt: “I am not guilty” | Buitenland

In the Los Angeles legal court there is suspicion of the moord of rapper Tupac Shakur, formerly Bendelid Duane Davis (now 60), who was found guilty. Al in 1996 the fatale was shot down by the rap legend, dead on the blue sky.

On September 7, 1996, the world was shocked by Tupac Shakur. Vanuit a white Cadillac will be saved, and these days will later be transferred to the rapids in a row in a 25-year-old house.

The accuser raised Duane ‘Keffe D’ Davis in September this year, as the vermoedelijke dader eighth of the moord. In various interviews with the Afgelopen Jaren Heeft Davis Zichzelf is brought into connection with the Zaak. Hij heeft toegegeven that hij zich in the car bevond vanwaar the fatale shots will be afgevuurd.

“Never guilty”

The aanklacht tegen hem luidt ‘moord met a dodelijk wapen’. Hoewel niet geel duidelijk is of justitie vermoedt dat Davis zelf de fatale schoten heeft afgevuurd, wordt hij in ieder geval beschouwd als de vermeende unfortunately van de groep die op die noodlottige avond seedzweerde om Tupac te vermoorden. Maar vandaag in de Rechtszaal antwoordde hij resoluut ‘niet guilty’ op de vraag of hij de moord heeft gepleegd. Here you can see the mysterie rondom in front of you.

District Attorney Tierra Jones cited Duane Davis for the Clark County District Court. © Getty Images via AFP

The fatale avond

The Gewelddadige Moord op Tupac Shakur was brought to the fore with a bloody fight in a battle against the dieselfde. The battle escalated and there was no need for Duane Davis to be mistreated by Tupac and his entourage. The incident was widely reported on the surveillance camera’s in a nearby hotel and later as evidenced by the police in Los Angeles.

The confrontation took place between four men, who suspected Duane Davis and his mistreated children, in a white Cadillac. They decided to go to the black BMW as a rapper. Zodra ze now doelwit localiseerden, openden ze het vuur op Tupac. The rapper will be sent to the four doors and overtaken by two people. The three other incidents of the white Cadillac were in middels overleden, while Davis was the only survivor of the fatal incident now published.

Duane Davis is sent to court for his benefit.
Duane Davis is sent to court for his benefit. © Getty Images via AFP

The co-op for more than 70,000 euros: Gevangenispaspoort van Tupac

Hoofd suspicions of moord on Tupac broke on guilty: “He is in the car, in the car and in the arms”

KIJK. Beelden tonen arrestatie van hoofd suspicions in Tupac-zaak
