Mooimakers clear up litter in more than a thousand West Flemish places

Mooimakers clear up litter in more than a thousand West Flemish places

Penalizing violators of litter is difficult. That is why the Flemish Government has been focusing on raising awareness for years. “In every municipality, litter volunteers are of gold value. It is such a shame that they have to do this, but it is incredibly important,” said Flemish MP Brecht Warnez (CD&V), who requested the figures from Minister Demir (N-VA).

“Deposit, ultimate solution”

Last year, 4,409 clearing areas were registered in Flanders, of which 25 percent in West Flanders. “But actually the result is sometimes short-lived,” says Warnez. “One day you clean up, the next day there may be cans again.”

In addition to raising awareness, Brecht Warnez is in favor of deposits on cans and plastic bottles.
