Monza-Verona and Bocchetti-Palladino: assistant coaches are in fashion

Whether they are temporary or long-term solutions, chosen or happened there almost by chance, the second managers are increasingly protagonists when it is necessary to solve complicated situations. In Serie A tomorrow, those of Brianza and Gialloblù will face each other

The deputy by definition is a step back, but more and more often – in Serie A and in the rest of Europe – he takes a step forward. Last example: Salvatore Bocchetti promoted to Hellas Verona coach. When it came to choosing who to entrust the team to, president Setti looked around, evaluated a couple of options and then, obviously not satisfied, decided on the home solution. A choice that brings knowledge of the environment, continuity in work and savings. And tomorrow Bocchetti with his Hellas will challenge another deputy head coach, Raffaele Palladino, who took the place of Giovanni Stroppa at Monza, lifting him up immediately.
