Monza-Inter: Galliani’s shout after the Brianza draw

The face contorted with happiness and those liberating cries of the former AC Milan player after the Brianza equalizer: just like in the Milan days. Palladino on the disallowed goal: “Never worried because the whistle came with the ball still in the air”

We almost forgot about it. That “meaningful” face that turns purple, the liberating scream. And he, the unleashed Hadrian. Galliani in all the splendid cheering of him. How many times had we seen him in the stands at San Siro after a Milan goal indulge in celebrations that went down in history? Many, too many for those who don’t like the Rossoneri. Now he suffers for other colors. What came out of his mouth? Dunno, something that started with “but…”. He will tell us about it, the unleashed Adriano. With that black cap on his head to cover his scarce mane, his face distorted by his joy was even more beautiful (oh well, you know what we mean …), almost the scream framed, without bothering Munch. He brought to mind the extraordinary imitations of Teo Teocoli, with the white raincoat, and the same scream. The one that now has red and white colors and not red and black. But it remains a masterpiece. Even Palladino agrees: “he reminded me of Galliani from Milan, when I used to see him on TV as a kid”.


Decidedly more calm, at least coldly, but no less excited, the coach when he talks about the draw: “Beautiful, wonderful day that will remain forever in our memories. At the stadium there was a great atmosphere, enthusiasm, the fans deserve this satisfaction . Inter came from their victory over Napoli, I’m overjoyed with the result but above all with the attitude. At the end of the game I said these things to the lads, I thanked them because they made me emotional and I gave them an extra day off.” . Then the disallowed goal button is touched: “From the bench I heard the whistle while the ball was still in the air, so we never worried. The rule is clear, if the whistle blows first, there is no Var. Definitely something Inter will have something to complain about but I never talk about episodes for or against. Even the referees like us coaches or the players are wrong. Let’s talk about the performance which was wonderful.”
