Monza, first goal for Ranocchia and Sensi’s debut in the test with Piacenza

24 days after their absolute debut in Serie A against Torino, the Brianza players win with goals from Valoti, Mota, Ranocchia and Siatounis. The sports director Antonelli in the pre-match: “Caprari? Important player. Di Gregorio is absolutely not on the market”

Monza drops poker against Piacenza, a Serie C team coached by Manuel Scalise, in the test held this afternoon at the Monzello Sports Center. Good indications for Mr. Stroppa, ex of the match, in the third friendly of the season of Brianza, after the draw with goals against Bellinzona and the 4-0 at Lugano II last Wednesday. Mulazzano’s coach lines up the usual 3-5-2. In goal Di Gregorio, in defense Carboni and Antov on either side of Ranocchia. On the exteriors Birindelli and D’Alessandro. Directed by Barberis with Valoti and Colpani on either side. In front of Vignato in support of Mota.

Monza immediately ahead. In the third minute, the former Pisa Birindelli jumps Zunno on the left end of the field, crosses in the middle and Valoti scores 1-0 with a header. The red and white doubling comes to the 32nd with Dany Mota Carvalho, always with the head, on an assist from Barberis. At the end of time the Emilians shorten the distance with a great goal from Zunno: dribbling and shooting that slips under the intersection. At the end of the first half Vignato leaves and Gytkjaer enters.

In the second half, in the seventh, the first goal arrives with the Monza shirt for Andrea Ranocchia. The ex Inter defender anticipates everyone with his head and realizes. Stroppa upsets the team at game time. Stefano Sensi makes his debut in red and white and immediately seems at ease with his new teammates. Bettella, Carlos Augusto, Mancuso, Marrone and Molina also enter. Ten from the end, the young Greek Siatounis, after an action initiated by Sensi, increases the loot, signing the 4 to 1 with a nice left from the edge of the area.

In the pre-match the sporting director of Monza, Filippo Antonelli, spoke to the microphones of Sportitalia: “We are completing the team in all departments, many new players are arriving and surely someone else will arrive, not only in attack. Caprari? the details are in place and we can formalize afterwards. He is certainly an important player. The players we are dealing with are players that interest us and we want to bring them to Monza as soon as possible. Our goal has always been to have two strong players per position, even in Serie A We will do this. The choice is always up to the coach, Di Gregorio and Cragno are top-level goalkeepers. We have redeemed Di Gregorio and he is absolutely not on the market, certainly together with Cragno and Sorrentino he can do even better. “

The next friendly match of Monza is scheduled, again in Monzello, on Monday 25 July at 5.30 pm against Andrea Dossena’s Renate.
