Monumental fishing house in Assen will not have a shop, but an office

Old times would be revived at the Brink in Assen. With another fish shop in the white building with a striking bell gable, the place where fishmonger Joling once sat for decades. But alas, there will be no fish shop and no other shop. There will be office space downstairs and an apartment upstairs.

So no curious public that will soon walk down the door, only to marvel at the refurbished interior, wistfully thinking about the times of old and what it once was like inside.

According to property owner Jannes Janssens, the search for a nice store that could be there for a longer period of time has led to nothing. “Unfortunately, discussions with candidates came to nothing, which is why we have now opted for certainty with the interpretation, with an office function.”

After a difficult road full of bumps, construction halt and objection procedure from the former owner, the radical restoration of the striking retail building is almost skinned. Everything must be ready at the end of July, and the office furniture and office chairs can be moved in. Two of the Asser real estate boss’s own companies will have offices there, rental company Kolkende Assenaar and MJW Vastgoed, named after his children Mirthe, Jochem and Wieger.

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