Montblanc Haus opens in Hamburg

THEThe parterre was one of the stellar ones: Maggie Gyllenhaal, Oscar Isaac, Daniel Brühl and ours too Giovanni Caccamo together with the author Leandra Cohen, the DJ Peggy Gou and the model and actress Dree Hemingway. The occasion, the opening of the new exhibition space Montblanc in Hamburg.

The Montblanc Haus

The Montblanc Haus was inaugurated on 10 May, a place that tells the story of the Maison from its foundation to today, presenting the artisans who make the iconic writing instruments and the celebrities who used them to make a contribution to humanity.

The space of 3600 square meters is arranged on 3 immersive levels, which allow you to fully experience the philosophy of the brand: the value of writing, capable of to help people express their full potential and leave their mark on the world.

Montblanc Haus by night (PR Images)

Located in the heart of the city, next to the headquarters and the factory where his writing instruments are made, the Montblanc Haus was designed by Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos and inspired by the heritage of the Maison. The very structure of the building, in its black silhouette, pays homage to the traditional packaging shape of the famous fountain pen.

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115 years of writing history

«We imagined a special house to celebrate the art of writing, a place where people could discover or rediscover the incredible power of handwriting, capable of awakening creativity, imagination and emotion in each of us. The Montblanc Haus was conceived as a journey of discovery, told through the eyes of a Maison that has been a protagonist of the culture of writing for over 115 years. We hope that the Montblanc Haus will become a reference point for Hamburg, a city so important to Montblanc’s history and identityand that it is a place of discovery for local communities and foreign visitors, ”he said Nicolas Baretzki, Montblanc CEO.

An experiential space

The Montblanc Haus invites visitors to experience the magic of writing in a very personal way. Here you can try out Montblanc writing instruments and send postcards with their thoughts all over the world. Inside the writing atelier, the Montblanc Haus offers visitors a series of courses that include the art of calligraphy, creative writing and lessons for children. As part of its commitment to the culture of writing, Montblanc will organize special courses for children and young adults to use writing in their favor and express themselves creatively.

