Montalbano, the last episode restored tonight on Rai 1

S.tasera on Rai 1 returns once again Montalbano with The terracotta dogan unmissable must of the beloved sul series Commissioner of Vigata interpreted by Luca Zingaretti. This is the last of the first four episodes broadcast by Rai now over twenty years ago and repurposed In these weeks in restored version in Ultra Hd.

See Montalbano “and his”sharp, with bright colors, as if the characters were exiting the screen to enter the living rooms of our houseso far, it has been a thing highly appreciated by the public, which in fact, has (once again) awarded this series by consecrating it as champion in the “fight for share”.

Montalbano in The terracotta dog: the plot

The terracotta dog is perhaps one of the most “intellectual” episodes of Montalbano. In fact, it develops on two tracks: what appears to be the main one turns out to be, in reality, the secondary one. And that apparently secondary, it turns out to be an intricate mystery that can only be solved by knowing the Christian and Islamic symbolism.

At the beginning Montalbano is grappling with arms trafficking of mafia origin. To “help” he intervenes Tano “‘u greco”, old mafia boss, repentant, who feels a stranger to the new clan less “loyal to traditions”. He prefers to rot in jail rather than be killed by those he despises. But, in order not to “lose face”, voluntarily surrendering himself to the police, he asks the Commissioner to stage a mock arrest. The mafia senses the deception and finds an opportunity to ambush e mortally wounding Tano. Before dying, to take revenge, he has time to reveal a Montalbano what is the secret hiding place of the weapons: a cave of Mount Crasticeddu. A magnificent place but very difficult to find.

After a thousand ups and downs, Montalbano can find this cave. And, visiting it, he notices a false wall that hides a secret Passage. In there, the Commissioner finds two corpses, a man and a woman, reassembled, guarded by a terracotta dog with a bowl of ancient coins next to it. This is the “secondary” story that actually excites the instinct the most investigative of Montalbano.

A broken love, which later became eternal

Montalbano he is passionate about the case of those two corpses. Turns out I am were killed fifty years earlier, during the Second World Warin the hectic days of the landing of the Americans in Sicily. With the help of the locals, and thanks above all to his intuition that allows him not to fall into misdirection, he reconstructs the identity of those people: it is about Lisetta Moscatocousin of Lillo Rizzitanocultured and refined lover of history, and of the sailor Mario Cunich. Lisetta and Mario were engagedbut their history has been buried by lies and murky family intrigues.

Luca Zingaretti is Commissioner Montalbano.

Montalbano understands that Lillo Rizzitano guards the truth and he is the only one who can reveal to him how things really went. And when Lillo Rizzitano “Empty the bag”, the Commissioner also manages to decipher what’s behind the symbolism of that terracotta dog: a sort of trusty hound who watches over the love of two people, broken by horrible family events.

Montalbano’s restoration in Ultra HD is a success

The terracotta dog is the second novel, published in ’96, by Andrea Camilleri dedicated to Montalbano. But it was aired, like second and final episode of the second season of the tv series, only in 2000 (first they were broadcast The Snack Thief And The voice of the violin in ’99, then the following year The shape of water and indeed The terracotta dog).

All these four episodes (now historical and great classics of Montalbanobut at the time they were just a bet, no one would have expected the success that the TV series actually got) were restored from thethe House of production Palomar (which makes Montalbano with RaiFiction) with the very latest 4k resolution. Rai has been broadcasting them since mid-September. And although they are over twenty years old, therefore they are well known by the public, they won the “share competition” with competing networks: the first episode touched the 18%, it means about two million and eight hundred thousand viewers, The second one touched 20% share for over three million audiences, the third recorded the 18.3% share equal to three million 130 thousand viewers.

Undoubtedly thanks toUltra HD that “has removed the dust” from the old Montalbano. But I also deserve (perhaps above all) the story conceived by Camilleri, simple but intense, and his amazing interpreter Luca Zingaretti. Many already miss the beloved Commissioner. If there were no other new episodes (but some hopefuls await), now you know: reruns are always a success.

