Monopoli, official: Giuseppe Pancaro is the new coach

The official press release of the Apulian club

Joseph Pancaro returns to the bench. Former defender of Lazio And Milan became a manager in 2015 after a great career as a footballer. In the past experience he has a coach Modena, Juve Stabia, Catania and Catanzaro. His last season on a bench is that of 2019/2020 with the Pistoiese. Now he has finally found a team and will train in Serie C.

This is the official statement of the company: “SS Monopoli 1966 announces that it has relieved Giuseppe Laterza from the technical leadership of the First Team. The thanks of the company go to Mr. Laterza, to the deputy Giuseppe Lentini, to the athletic trainer Francesco Rizzo and to the match analyst Angelica Ivone for the commitment and professionalism shown, with the wish to achieve the best fortunes in the continuation of their career “.
