Monique Westenberg mocked for relationship with André in Even Tot Hier

Monique Westenberg was heavily mocked yesterday in the satirical TV show Even Tot Hier for her allegedly renewed relationship with André Hazes Jr. And Marco Borsato also passed by.


It has now been a month since Monique Westenberg returned from a long vacation with André Hazes Jr. and their son in the United States. When she returned, she denied Yvonne Coldeweijer’s gossip that the two are back together and are getting married, but then the controversial cover of the Privé was yet to come.

Monique mocked

André and Monique have been caught in America by a Private paparazzo and that’s why his ex Sarah van Soelen, who still had hope all along, is completely furious. She wants to be taken out of André’s new Videoland documentary. An acute problem, because André has already sold it for allegedly 250 thousand euros.

Monique’s forgiveness was mocked yesterday in the satirical TV show Even Tot Hier with presenters Niels van der Laan and Jeroen Woe. They mentioned her during an item about Groningen.

Humiliated and cheated

Extracting gas in Groningen is again an option now that we are in an energy crisis. And that while the victims of the earthquake damage in the area have not even been compensated yet.

Niels then draws a comparison with Monique. “Poor, poor Groningen. Groningen is now the Monique Westenberg of the provinces, joh. Been let down over and over, humiliated over and over, over and over, but we still knock it every time we’re in the shit.”

During that last sentence, a photo with André appears.

Borsato joke

The Even Tot Hier men also discussed the news that the mental health of children in the earthquake area receives too little attention from the government. “They are now coming with an earthquake coach,” says Jeroen.

Niels then made the inevitable Marco Borsato joke: “Yes, because we all know: a coach and children is an excellent combination.”


Monique posted a holiday photo of America two days ago, which was liked by André:
