Monique Westenberg demolished by Flair for ‘sick adoration’

Monique Westenberg gets a big slap on the fingers from Flair columnist Hester Zitvast. She punishes the Hazes sweetheart hard for promoting snus. “That sick adoration!”


Flair columnist Hester Zitvast thinks it is more than justified that Yvonne Coldeweijer has fiercely criticized Monique Westenberg’s use of the addictive snus promotes. She has a video in her Instagramstories which explicitly shows how André Hazes jr. pushes such a nicotine pouch against his gums.


This is simply not possible, agrees Hester, mother of four children. “So that you see your child’s father fold a load of nicotine under his hairy upper lip and think: sexy,” she writes in Flair.

The fact that Monique has also chosen a piece of music for that story proves, according to Hester, that this has been thought through. The columnist speaks of a ‘form of exhibitionism’ that she does not welcome. Snus is not only addictive, but is also used to lure students into the criminal world, she emphasizes.

Blind with love

Monique really didn’t understand, says Hester. “Blind of love, that’s the sad conclusion I see every time I see that sickly adoration of hers. Everything André does is sacred to Monique, it seems.”

She continues: “Even just kicked the habit of drinking and drugs, she still loves openly using an extremely addictive substance and making it hot.”

Dumb action

You wouldn’t expect these kinds of thoughtless stories from a mother, says Hester. She points out that her own son, mini-Dré, may also come into contact with this at some point.

“If that is the case, (…) I hope she thinks back to that one beautiful day in July 2023 when she thought it was worth a story. It was a pretty stupid move. And it also looked dirty too.”


Hester’s Flair column:
