Monique van de Ven bashed by Dries Roelvink: ‘That face!’

Monique van de Ven is severely criticized by Dries Roelvink. The folk singer believes that her face has not exactly improved from the cosmetic procedures she has undergone.

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There is no taboo on cosmetic procedures in Dries Roelvink’s family. His sons looked like two Gremlins as they sat in a Turkish dentist’s chair with their teeth filed off. And his wife also wants to have something done again, he says in the Weekend. “She now often feels her neck and thinks about whether she should have something done about that double chin.”

‘Connie beautiful’

Some men reassure their wives by indicating that they find them beautiful as they are, but Dries is not like that in the competition. He doesn’t stand in the way of his wife. “She is very interested in it. I won’t stop her from doing that, saying: just don’t do that now.”

You have to have it done properly, Dries emphasizes. He points to his neighbor Connie Witteman. “Yes. I see Connie regularly and still think she is a beautiful woman. The person I had to get used to was Monique van de Ven. She was once a beautiful natural movie star, but has also undergone procedures.”

‘That face!’

Dries thinks that Monique’s face did not turn out so well. “I’m still getting used to her face. Connie has also had some things done, but she also does a lot of sports. So it’s not just that she looks younger because of the procedures, she is also a fit woman who is well built.”

He continues: “She is also a fantastic cook and always leaves the house well-groomed. She has chosen to have her face touched up a bit, that’s fine, right? I will not forbid Honoria if she would like that too.”
