Monique denies rumors about reuniting with André Hazes: “Very special” | showbiz

showbizMonique Westenberg and André Hazes are not back together. Westenberg makes this clear today on Instagram, through a photo in which she can be seen with the singer and their son in Disneyland. “Man, how much nonsense is taken for truth these days!” said the blonde.

It has been quiet on Westenberg’s account in recent weeks. Earlier it became clear that she, André and their son would travel to America for a holiday together. “We will be together in the coming weeks to see what form we need as a family. The most important thing for us is that our son can spend time with both mom and dad in complete freedom where we can be ourselves together,” Westenberg said.

Meanwhile, the rumor mill was running at full speed. For example, some juice channels claimed that the two would form a couple again and there was talk of getting married. None of this is true, Westenberg writes today with a recent family photo.

“Florida you were lovely! We had so much fun together, in peace”, begins Westenberg. “It was very special to receive messages from the home front stating that we would be a couple again and even get married. Man, how much nonsense is taken for truth these days!”

According to Westenberg, the three have done everything. “We’ve traveled, swam, ate, walked on the beach, visited amusement parks, swam with wild manatees, went to a concert and ate even more! In short, very nice memories made.”


In March last year, André and Monique broke up again, a few months after he proposed to her. Hazes almost immediately moved in with his new girlfriend Sarah van Soelen, but that relationship did not last long. In September it was announced that Hazes would not perform for the time being due to a burnout. He is “emotionally exhausted.” His agenda has been wiped empty for the whole of 2022.


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