Money raised for Amsterdam bicycle maker Siebe, who got into trouble due to corona

For 37 years, the 73-year-old Amsterdammer Siebe Kunst has been refurbishing the bicycles in the De Czaar Peterbuurt in the center. In addition to repairs and new bicycles, customers also liked to stop by for a chat. “He was the icon of this street,” says a local resident. But due to a rent debt incurred during the corona crisis, Siebe is forced to close his workshop.

Siebe is known as a social man. People with a small grant were allowed to pay later, less or sometimes did not have to pay at all. It didn’t matter to Siebe, he was ready for the neighborhood and helped where necessary. During corona there were few bicycles to repair and his income declined. Because he was allowed to remain open, he was not entitled to support, but the rent was higher than his income. He was able to cover that for a while with his savings, but that jar was quickly empty. The rent debt rose to 6000 euros, which means that he is now forced to stop and retire.

“We as a neighborhood just won’t let this happen”

regular customer and local resident Michel Langendijk

The neighborhood decided to help him. “Siebe has always kept everything affordable for everyone. When you hear this story that he has to close with 6000 debt, then I thought: well, we as a neighborhood just won’t let this happen,” says Michel Langendijk.

At first it was difficult for Siebe to accept the help, but Michel urged him to let go of his pride. So he did. The counter is already over 3500 euros and that moves Siebe. “It was not only my neighbor but also a dear friend. It will be a great loss in the neighborhood.”

“Everything comes to an end, only the way is unfortunate”

bicycle repair shop siebe art

Langendijk about the departure of Siebe the bicycle repairman: “Such a street loses its craftsmanship, history, someone who knows the neighborhood. Someone like Siebe still stands for where this street comes from: wanting to be a social street and wanting to be a social neighborhood .”

That social aspect is also what Siebe will miss the most. But, he says: “Everything comes to an end, only the way is unfortunate”. If it is up to local resident Michel, it will be fine. “This is pay back time, we are all going to make sure that this man can enjoy his pension without debts.”

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