Money laundering of more than seven million euros, banker arrested for criminals

A 31-year-old Tilburger has been arrested for large-scale money laundering. He worked as a banker for criminals and is suspected of laundering more than seven million euros in a year and a half. During searches in Tilburg, the police also seized nine cars and several watches.

The police searched the house of the suspect, a car company and several garage boxes in Tilburg last Tuesday. In the house of the suspect, the police found ‘digital information’, which shows that the suspect has laundered more than seven million euros in a year and a half. The research into this digital information is still in full swing. That is why the police do not rule out the possibility that even more laundered money will surface.

Nine cars and several expensive watches were also seized during the searches. In one of the garage boxes was a car containing dozens of kilos of hashish. These had a street value of more than six hundred thousand euros. Police are still investigating who owns the car.

Underground Banker
The suspect emerged in a police investigation. He laundered digital money for criminals, a so-called underground banker according to the police. Such a banker moves large amounts of cash or converts it into crypto currency. This money mainly comes from drug trafficking and is used for investments in assets or criminal activities. According to the police, such a banker is a crucial link in organized crime.
