Money laundering couple bought properties in the center of Breda for millions of euros

A 43-year-old man and his 41-year-old wife were demanded on Tuesday, respectively, 6 and 2.5 years in prison for international money laundering. The couple bought various houses in the center of Breda worth 2.4 million euros with crime money.

The money laundering construction came on the radar of the police and the judiciary in 2018. The investigation revealed that money had been channeled to the Netherlands via foreign companies in Bosnia, Slovenia and Spain, among others. The married suspects bought houses and other properties on the Haagdijk, Slingerweg and Blauwtjes from this.

In addition, the suspects have been pinning more than half a million euros in cash since 2010 and have led a luxurious lifestyle. “Their permanent residence is expensively furnished. For example, many expensive clothing and jewelery were found and confiscated. The couple also owns luxury vehicles, including several Porsches, a Hummer, Mercedes and BMW,” according to the Public Prosecution Service.

All buildings and homes have been seized, as have various luxury vehicles and bank accounts at home and abroad. The court will rule on December 12.
