Money for Heerlen to keep youth out of drug crime | 1Limburg

The municipality of Heerlen receives money from the cabinet to protect young people for a career in crime.

The cabinet is allocating an extra 82 million euros to the fight against drug crime, the government reports NOS† According to Justice Minister Dilan Yesilgöz (VVD), the recruitment of children by drug criminals must be stopped.

Drop off a package
Yesilgöz states that children are already being seduced by criminals in primary and secondary schools. Primary school students have to drop off a package somewhere and secondary school students are asked to pick up or drop someone off. “One day they hear gunshots and become involved in a liquidation,” said the minister.

The money will go to 15 municipalities, including Heerlen, where these problems occur. The municipality itself must come up with an action plan for the most problematic neighbourhoods.

More insight into work
The government wants young people to gain more insight into work and income. In the event of a misstep, the youth must be addressed, according to Yesilgöz, interference from parents is also part of this. “Only through an intensive person-centred approach can we stop the intimidating pressure of drug traffickers on our children, students and young adults,” says Yesilgöz.
