Money Affairs Information Point De Wolden exists five years

At the end of May, the Information Point for Money Matters De Wolden has been in existence for five years. The large number of registrations in recent years has proven that the IPG has a right to exist.

Information Point Money Matters De Wolden is a partnership between Welfare De Wolden, municipality of De Wolden, Humanitas Home Administration and Diaconaal Verband De Wolden.

To be honest, it feels a bit double, says budget consultant Sandra Brens. “Celebrating the 5th anniversary that many residents need us sounds pretty strange. On the other hand, it is nice that we are there for residents of De Wolden and that they can come to us with questions about finances.”

Stress and shame

According to Sandra, it has been stressful for many people for quite some time with the high price of groceries and higher energy prices. “And oh yes, the fixed costs still have to be paid. Sometimes you just don’t know how and if you can make it to the end of the month with your money.”

“Dare to ask for help,” adds budget consultant Albert Veltink. “Seeking help with financial questions or problems is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Don’t get stuck with payment arrears.”

The Money Affairs Information Point is for all residents of the municipality of De Wolden.

“For questions, information and practical help about money matters, or in case of financial problems. We listen to your story. The consultants and volunteers offer help with, for example, applying for minimum wages, helping to read and explain letters or support with the application for benefits.”

Contact via 0528-217022 (on working days) or [email protected] .
