Monday national action on radio and TV from Giro555 for Ukraine | TV

During the TV promotion, people can call in to donate money. Various actions are therefore brought to the attention. The broadcast is presented by Chantal Janzen and Rob Kemps. Jeroen Pauw and Eva Jinek are also participating, they receive guests at the table in the studio.

Dionne Stax reports on the action together with Britt Dekker from the national action center of Giro555 in the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision. This is where phone calls from people who want to donate are recorded. Hila Noorzai follows developments on social media and Wendy van Dijk is at the Polish-Ukrainian border to report on the spot.


In addition, from 06:00 am to 9:00 pm, action is already being taken on public and commercial radio stations. Under the name Radio555, DJs from various stations from Sound and Vision present a special broadcast. It is a collaboration between NPO Radio 2, NPO 3FM, NPO Radio 5, Qmusic, 100%NL, Radio 538, Radio10, Radio Veronica, SLAM! and Sublime. The program will be broadcast simultaneously on all participating channels.

In addition, it was announced that the proceeds collected by cultural institutions this weekend with their #hArtforUkraine campaign will be officially handed over to Giro555 during the broadcast on Monday. Several theatres, museums and dance and music ensembles have already said to join the action by organizing benefit concerts and decorating their buildings with the Ukrainian flag.
