Monday medical examination to run in Argentina

In Madrid the Spaniard will carry out a check after the new case of diplopia that hit him on his return from Indonesia where he crashed in the warm up: Marquez had missed that MotoGP race

Will Marc Marquez race the Argentina MotoGP GP in a week? Logic says no, as well as the very prudent words of the various ophthalmologists or neurosurgeons who have read about the new case of diplopia that hit the eight-time champion following the bad fall during the warm up of the Indonesian GP. forced to forfeit. And yet, despite the first Honda statement also mentioning an indefinite timing, next Monday in Madrid, Marc will undergo a new medical examination to assess his condition.

conditions marquez

Beyond a total recovery of sight, without the doubling of the images that had already kept him stationary for three months in winter, however, one wonders whether it is wise to get back to the track a pilot who after a short time has had a important relapse on a visual level. Also because, it should be remembered, if Marc returns to the track he will not be alone, and therefore the risk for the other riders will also be exponential. What is certain at the moment is how even in this case Marquez is demonstrating an impressive willpower, that of those who, adversity after adversity, have no intention of giving up. That of a great champion who is going through the most difficult period of his career.
