Mom or dad, plot and cast of the film tonight on Canale 5

C.dares happens when parents decide to separate, but they do everything for Not to obtain custody of children? They tell it Antonio Albanese And Paola Cortellesi in the 2017 comedy directed by Riccardo Milani Mom or Dad? – on air tonight at 9.35 pm on Canale 5 and streaming on Mediaset Infinity.

Mom or Dad? the plot of the movie

Nicola Vignali (Antonio Albanese) and Valeria Mozzati (Paola Cortellesi) have been married for fifteen years. When they realize they are no longer in love, they understand that the easiest way to go is the divorce. They do not know, however, how to communicate it to the sons Matteo (Luca Marino), Viola (Marianna Coco) and Giulietto (Alvise Marascalchi).

Matteo is a rebellious teenager, with an environmentalist and hooligan vocation together. Constantly argues with Viola and violates any family rule. Viola is the second child, just a teenager, therefore in crisis like all his peers. Plus, he spends his days on his cell phone.

Julietfinally, it is the smallest, but also the wisest. He is a chess champion, loves to study and is fond of his hamster. Hamster who lives free in the house and that Valeria can’t stand. In addition to not following the imposed diktats, all three they blame the consequences of their parents’ hectic life and give them a hard time.

Antonio Albanese and Paola Cortellesi in the film “Mamma or Papa?”. (Wildside / Claudio Iannone)

Nicola and Valeria, selfish parents

The announcement of the separation comes when both Nicola and Valeria receive a promotion they have been waiting for for some time. Nicola has to leave for Mali, Valeria is transferred to Sweden. Initially, the latter renounces the post to allow the future ex-husband not to give up his dreams.

When, however, he finds out that he has a lover, Melania (Matilde Gioli), decides to leave. As neither of us takes a step back, the judge leaves the last word to the children. And that’s where it comes the twist. The rebels Viola, Matteo and Giulietto take Nicola and Valeria off guard and decide that they will not go to live with anyone. They proclaim themselves against divorce.

Antonio Albanese and Luca Marino in a scene from the film “Mamma or Papa?”. (Wildside / Claudio Iannone)

At this point, the recriminations begin. Low blows and insults are the order of the day. Furthermore, it is clear that neither of them would be able to take care of the offspring alone, but above all neither is willing to give up a career for the family. It therefore gets underway a war in which the mother wants to convince the children to live with the father and vice versa. Everyday life becomes a nightmare.

Each makes life impossible for the other and both make life impossible for their children. A relentless escalation in which children will be exhausted by the spite of those who should direct them to adult life. A fight to the last blow, which will have extreme consequences for the whole family.

Antonio Albanese and Paola Cortellesi in “Mum or Dad?”. (Wildside / Claudio Iannone)

The actors in the cast

In addition to the actors already mentioned, in the cast of Mom or Dad? also appear Claudio Gioè, in the role of Furio, Valeria’s colleagueobviously in love with her, and Carlo Buccirosso. The latter lends its face toengineer Gianrico Bertelli, the head of Mozzati, as well as unrepentant male chauvinistconvinced that women are a problem for any company, rather than a resource.

Paola Cortellesi in “Like a cat on the ring road, 2”: the interview

Valeria, however, knows how to defend herself well and, in the face of spurious recriminations, does not lower her head. On the contrary, she does everything she can to ensure that her abilities are acknowledged. Stefania Rocca it’s Sonia, Valeria’s trusted friendmarried to Federico (Roberto De Francesco), in turn a friend of Nicola. They are a long-time couple, together more out of habit than out of love. They will act as points of reference, completely unaware of the diabolical plan put in place by friends to free themselves from children. They complete the cast Luca Angeletti in the role of Giorgio, Nicola’s colleague, e Niccolò Senni in that of the real estate agent.

Movie review

Remake of Papa ou maman?directed by French director Martin Bourboulon, Mom or Dad? it is a light film, which uses the comedy register to exorcise the difficult phase of separation. In 90 minutes Riccardo Milani – together with the screenwriters Paola Cortellesi and Giulia Calenda – condensation in an ironic key the war often waged by spouses when they put an end to their marriage.

The peculiarity lies in the will of Not obtain custody of the children. IS the reversal of the stereotypewhich opens to a merciless portrait of two parents overwhelmed by mutual frustration, regardless of the needs of the children. And it will be the children who put them in front of their miseries, forcing them to grow up.

Paola Cortellesi and Antonio Albanese, a winning combination

Mom or Dad? is the first film in which Paola Cortellesi and Antonio Albanese act together, but not the last. Also in 2017, in fact, they find themselves on the set for Like a cat on the ring road. In the film, directed once again by Milani, they play two polar opposite characters. He is a career man, she is an inhabitant of the Roman suburbs. On paper they have no future.

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Instead, they will understand that love is stronger than any difference, at least until the sequel, Like a cat on the ring road – Return to Coccia from the deadreleased in theaters in 2021. In this second chapter, set three years after the first, they experience various pushes and pulls, but, despite the efforts, unexpected events will bring them together once and for all.

