Mølk: Bundesliga star Kevin Trapp founds Oatly competition

When the restaurant owners Luel Mulugeta and Guy Leon Lamaye were unable to buy oat milk in 2020 due to the supply bottlenecks during the lockdown, they went into their well-equipped restaurant kitchen and made some themselves, as Gründerszene reports, citing the FAZ. It worked so well that a little later they brought their acquaintances Maximilian Helldörfer, Alexander Schiffl and Bundesliga star Kevin Trapp on board and founded the start-up Mølk.

Mølk competes with Oatly and Alpro with coffee, porridge and two oat drinks

The five-strong founding team was so successful that there are now two different Mølk oat drinks on the shelves in the supermarkets alongside Oatly and Alpro: The PUR drink is the basic version with no added sugar, the Barista drink foams better and is designed for coffee and similar drinks . The Mølk products are also available online and from delivery services such as Gorillas – as of the end of 2022, in addition to the oat drinks, the Mølk range includes a type of coffee and two types of ready-to-eat porridge from the Tetra Pak (chocolate-banana and apple-cinnamon). Anyone who buys the Mølk products on a particularly regular basis can even order them home with a subscription.

However, you have to be able to afford it, because Mølk’s oat milk has recently become significantly more expensive than the products of many other vegan and non-vegan brands due to rising energy prices: As of the beginning of December, a liter of PUR oat drink in the Mølk online shop costs 2.19 euros, the barista drink is 2.38 euros per liter.

Mølk uses locally sourced oats and produces in an all-vegan facility

According to the start-up scene, the oats are grown regionally in the Munich area and processed in Denmark according to the manufacturer in a purely vegan plant. In the future, apparently, the cultivation will also be relocated to Denmark in order to achieve shorter distances and thus lower transport costs and lower CO₂ emissions.

The managing director of the startup is Schiffl, but according to the commercial register, all five founders own the same number of shares in the company, according to the founding scene. In addition, apparently all of the founders are actively involved in various areas: According to the FAZ, Mølk wants to establish itself in the market for oat milk, which has been dominated by Alpro and Oatly, with intensive branding and an entire Mølk universe. At this point, Trapp’s reach among football fans should benefit them.

Olga Rogler / Editor finanzen.net

Image Sources: Maddie Red / Shutterstock.com
