Molde 2-3 Galatasaray MATCH RESULT SUMMARY – Last minute Galatasaray news

Galatasaray defeated Norwegian representative Molde 3-2 in the first match of the UEFA Champions League Play-Off tour. Sergio Oliveira in the 25th minute, Mauro Icardi in the 29th minute and Midtsjö in the 90+3th minute scored the goals that brought the yellow-reds the victory. Molde’s goals came from Ellingsen in the 8th minute and Haugen in the 56th minute.

Molde took the lead in the 8th minute. In the corner kick used from the right wing, Ellingsen made the head kick in the middle of Breivik in the penalty area and the ball went into the net from the far corner: 1-0.

In the 13th minute, Eikrem hit the ball, which was turned into the penalty area from the right wing. Goalkeeper Muslera rounded the corner at the last moment.

Galatasaray equalized in the 25th minute. The ball, which Oliveira sent to the goal with his right foot, hit Ellingsen on the dam in the free kick taken from the right diagonal out of the penalty area. Goalkeeper met with round leather nets that deceived Karlstrom: 1-1.

Galatasaray took the lead in the 29th minute. Hanging behind the defense with Yunus Akgün’s long air pass from the right wing, Icardi sent the round leather ball over the goalkeeper to the nets with his elegant shot from a narrow angle to the right of six passes: 1-2.

Entering the penalty area with Angelino’s pass in the 40th minute, Icardı brought the ball together with Mertens in a stylish way. Mertens’ left foot kicked the ball narrowly.

The goal scored by Galatasaray in the 43rd minute was canceled after the VAR review. Yunus Akgün, who entered the penalty area from the right wing, hit the ball with his left foot. Anthony Taylor, who came to the side and examined the position on the advice of VAR, decided that Mertens had fouled the opponent and canceled the goal.

In the 45+3th minute, Breivik sent a hard shot to the goal in the right diagonal of the penalty area, and Muslera knocked the ball into the corner.

The first half ended with Galatasaray’s 2-1 advantage.

Molde caught the draw in the 56th minute. Haugen hit the ball on the back post, right in the middle of Knudtzon from the right. Despite Abdülkerim Bardakcı’s intervention on the goal line, the leather went to the round nets: 2-2.

In the 66th minute, Eikrem turned the ball inside the last line on the left side of the penalty area, and Muslera cornered with his feet at the last moment.

In the 73rd minute, Molde’s attack, which developed from the right wing, bounced off Nelsson and was in front of Haugen on the left diagonal. On the player’s hard shot, the leather round hit Boey and narrowly took a corner.

In the 90+3rd minute, Tete’s long pass, Barış Alper Yılmaz, dropped the ball to Icardi with his head. Faced with the goalkeeper in the penalty area, Icardi dropped the ball to Midtsjö, who was in good condition. The player sent the leather ball to the empty goal: 2-3.

The match ended with Galatasaray’s 3-2 advantage.


Galatasaray’s new transfer, Tete, played his first match with a yellow-red jersey in the Molde match.

Although Galatasaray’s new transfer, Tete, came to Norway with the convoy, it was not clear whether he could serve in the Molde fight. UEFA’s decision was expected for the Brazilian winger, who did not have a license. When Tete’s license was released today, the Brazilian player was included in the squad for Molde’s match. Tete replaced Yunus Akgün in the 82nd minute. The 23-year-old winger made his debut in a yellow-red jersey.


The Argentinian star of the yellow-red team, Mauro Icardi, managed to score in the third game in a row this season.

Icardi, who scored the only goal of the team in the match played with Olimpija Ljubljana in Istanbul, brought the victory to his team with 2 goals in the fight against Trabzonspor played in the second week of the Super League. The Argentine striker also led his team to victory against Molde. The Argentine, who scored his team’s second goal, also assisted in Midtsjö’s goal and played a leading role in the victory.
