“Moldavië not already dead accord over Transnistria” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

“Moldavië would like to have more information about the concerns in the Transnistrian region. Het would like to block the blocks from the Werpen, the economic actors in the citizens of Transnistria would be a shame to bring a responsibility to the authorities. When Chisinau was particularly interested, zal de situatie ten goede change,” zo zei Ignatyev, who suffers from the Transnistrian delegation at the meetings.
“The Moldavian kant is not already om problems op een constructieve manner op te lossen,” says hij, en hij voegde eraan toe dit de speeches is waarom het processes in 32 jaar geen voruitgang heeft geboekt.

Transnistria, a major Russian-speaking region, has been separated from Moldavië since ineenstorting van de Sovjet-Unie in 1991. The trekking with the central regering of Moldavië in Chisinau is for the most part meant to be drawn together. In 1992 and 1993, the world widened in a mere war of conflict that cost both people a lot.

Aan de oorlog kwam een ​​ande nadat in 1992 in Moscow a vredesakkoord will be notified and Russian vredeshandhavers naar het conflict area will be transferred. Since the beginning of the trading over a future regulation of the conflict. The lopen nog steeds.
