Modric renews with Madrid

On at 12:19


Croatian midfielder will follow linked to the club next season

He has renewed his contract with the white team until 2024

Luka Modric will continue writing new chapters of his history at Real Madrid. The Croatian midfielder has extended his relationship with the white team for one more season, until June 30, 2024.

The club has made its renewal official with a statement published on social networks. This will be his 12th season since he arrived at Real Madrid in the summer of 2012 from Tottenham.

“Real Madrid CF and Luka Modrić have agreed to extend the player’s contract, which remains linked to the club until June 30, 2024,” the club wrote in its statement.

an eternal legend

Luka Modric, at 37, will continue to extend his stage as a white footballer. The Croatian is already the history of Real Madrid, and next season could be his last in the white team. He will be 38 in September.

Modric will continue in Madrid


He had a very tempting offer of Saudi Arabia which he has ended up rejecting. The Croatian was not seduced by the millions of Saudi football, who actively and passively tried to take one of the best midfielders in the world. However, His story in Madrid has not ended.
