Moderator Jörg Pilawa collects food for the food banks

Moderator Jörg Pilawa and Julia Bauer, board member of the Hamburger Tafel, with donated food

Moderator Jörg Pilawa and Julia Bauer, board member of the Hamburger Tafel, with donated food Photo: dpa

From BZ/dpa

Moderator Jörg Pilawa (58) set an example for the food banks in Germany: Together with other helpers, he accepted donated food in Hamburg’s Europa Passage on Saturday.

The food bank had previously sounded the alarm: “Our warehouses are empty, reserves are almost used up and there are no new food donations in sight,” said board member Julia Bauer. Long-life foods such as pasta, rice, long-life milk and all kinds of canned goods are urgently needed.

Supermarkets, discounters, bakeries and food manufacturers have now adjusted and reduced their production and orders so well that there is almost no overproduction or food left over. As a result, the food banks received fewer and fewer donations for people with low incomes.


Berliner Tafel German celebrities Jörg Pilawa Culture and people
