Mobilization to claim benefits for people with disabilities

This Wednesday February 7 he Permanent forum for the promotion and defense of the rights of people with disabilities will make a mobilization to “make visible the crisis in the sector.”

The call, within the AMBA, is meet in the Presidential Fifth located in Olivos, province of Buenos Aires, with the objective of deliver in person a petition addressed to the President of the Nation, Javier Milei. It contains, according to the Forum, “all the points that need to be resolved to effectively guarantee services and benefits to people with disabilities.”

“Explodes severity of the situation “that organizations, institutions, people with disabilities, family, friends and citizens in general, must approach the highest authority of the country so that it can recognize and provide a solution to the crisis in the sector,” they say in the document that calls for the call that They hope it will be replicated in other parts of the country.

Open letter

On January 31, the Forum announced a Open letter to the National Disability Agency, Y ES. It states: “The meager tariff increase proposal granted at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Single System of Basic Benefits of Comprehensive Care in favor of People with Disabilities – with the contrary vote of the representatives of the sector -, promotes the Permanent Forum for the Promotion and Defense of the Rights of People with Disabilities to declare that the expression of the National Disability Agency – after the Board meeting – that this increase guarantees access to benefits for people with disabilities, is not true. “The 20% increase for the month of January and the cumulative 10% increase for the month of February is a step backwards.”

The document states that the salary increases for professionals and workers in the sector are insufficientwhile the increases in fuel and the slowness in benefit collection times (which range between 60 and 90 days) threaten the proper functioning of the system. Added to this is “the crisis in the sector that has been dragging on since the previous Government.”

In conclusion, the Forum’s Open Letter states: “We request a immediate review of the increase granted to benefits.”

by RN

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