Mixed reactions to the 30 million for fishing: “Mustard after the meal”

The announcement by the ministry that 30 million euros will be earmarked for fisheries has received mixed reactions in the Noordkop. The money is intended to promote both fishing and fishing culture in villages and towns to support. But that comes too late for many Texel and Helderse fishermen.

The money is intended for innovations in fishing and to keep fishing communities alive. In this way more tourists are brought to the villages, that is the idea in The Hague. The sector itself may come up with plans to claim some money from the pot.

Visafslag Hollands Noorden in Den Oever is already busy making plans, says director Pim Visser Northhead region know: “The administrative platform of the fishing municipalities and provinces will submit plans for their local fishing communities. For our region, the municipalities of Hollands Kroon, Den Helder and Texel will jointly make the regional plan. That plan will be drawn up and submitted this summer. I see the implementation of approved plans not start until the second half of 2024”.

Too late

Bert de Groot worked at the Visafslag Hollands Noorden in Den Helder until this branch had to close. “Support is always nice,” he says of the 30 million. “But for Den Helder it is mustard after the meal, it comes too late.”

It may still make sense for Den Oever, he thinks, but it depends on where the money goes. “For example, compensate the shrimp fishermen. They all had to make 50,000 to 100,000 worth of changes to their ships. Part of that has been compensated, but a lot has still been paid out of pocket. The fish catches are disappointing this year because the water is still so cold so they can use it.”

Import fish?

The announcement was discussed this morning at the fish auction in Den Oever, says de Groot. The idea of ​​The Hague that the money can be invested in the import of foreign fish in particular has made people talk.

It revolves around this sentence from the announcement from the ministrywhich says “However, there are also opportunities for the fish chain. […] Fish processors are looking for new revenue models. Many have already switched to imported fish.”

Minister Adema late to AD also know that imports can be one of the new revenue models for the sector where part of the 30 million goes. Bert de Groot would not be able to understand that: “That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. That is completely wrong.”

The money comes too late for the Helderse and Texel fishermen. It can still be put to good use in other places, De Groot thinks. “I would say put it in the fishing industry or in the auctions of the Netherlands: Urk, Scheveningen, IJmuiden, Den Oever, but let it benefit the fishing industry itself and not, for example, fishing promotion. Because what good is a fishing town when there’s no more fish?”
