Mixed reactions to Brussels nuclear energy decision: ‘Disappointed with orange label’ | Inland

The European Commission decided on Wednesday to temporarily add natural gas and nuclear energy to the taxonomy under certain conditions. This is a kind of guide that should make it clear to investors whether something can be called a green investment. The two energy sources come in a separate ‘orange’ category.

This causes dissatisfaction with VVD MEP Jan Huitema: „I am disappointed that it is not given a ‘green’, but ‘orange’ label. It is not really clear to me now and I wonder whether investors see any benefit in it now.”

Nevertheless, the Liberal will not oppose the Commission’s decision: ‘It is better than nothing. What matters is that the role of nuclear energy in the transition is seen.” His SGP colleague Bert-Jan Ruissen has difficulty with the temporality: “It is a pity that the Commission wants to remove the green stamp from investments in nuclear energy in 2045: that is in the middle of the duration of such long-term investments. This certainly does not help investments in nuclear energy.”

‘Party can begin’

RePlanet director Olguita Oudendijk has long campaigned for nuclear energy in the taxonomy and is delighted with Brussels’ decision: “The party can begin. With the investors, with the government and we are also participating. To achieve the climate goals, we must act now. It is therefore logical that nuclear energy is included in the taxonomy, because it is CO2-free.”

Mathijs Beckers of the E-lise foundation also receives the decision with enthusiasm: “I am very pleased that nuclear energy has been given a place. And I am happy that gas can only be used to replace coal power.” He does not think it is wise that Belgium and Germany want to switch to gas and close nuclear power stations. “Certainly with the current geopolitical situation, you just expose yourself. Nuclear energy helps us build an autonomous energy system.”

He sees the fact that there is also a lot of anger from the green and left corner of anti-nuclear energy groups as a temporary situation. “In Scandinavia, many green politicians have already made the switch. They will eventually recognize that nuclear power is a good climate neutral choice.”


As expected, fierce criticism came from the left corner on Wednesday. Greenpeace speaks of ‘the largest greenwash operation of all time’. PvdA MEP Paul Tang speaks of a ‘devilish deal’ between French President Macron (for nuclear energy) and Eastern Europe (for natural gas).

Nuclear opponents Luxembourg and Austria do not want to wait for a democratic vote in the European Parliament and are already threatening to go to court.


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