Mittes mayor bans digital files

Central Mayor Stefanie Remlinger (Greens) prohibits her employees from using the digital file Photo: dpa/Pedersen

By Stephen Peter

Embarrassing defeat for Interior Senator Iris Spranger (61, SPD): A year ago she announced the introduction of the digital file in big words – now the Mitte district office is stopping the project!

In June 2022, Spranger announced: By the end of 2024, the digital file should be available for around 70,000 PC workstations in around 80 authorities throughout Berlin. She presented her plans to the district office in Mitte – this is exactly where the tentative end of the ambitious goals comes from.

Mayor Stefanie Remlinger (52, Greens) prohibited her employees from further using the digital file. The reason: the software is not reliable and requires too many additional work steps.

You would need eleven employees just for scanning the documents, according to Remlinger in the RBB.

The interior administration did not want to answer any questions yesterday, referred to the Senate Chancellery. “After an initial evaluation, there is a high level of dissatisfaction with the digital files purchased by my predecessors and there are also demonstrable defects in the product,” says Martina Klement (42), the new State Secretary for Digital, to the BZ. She is already in talks with the contractual partner.

Klement admits: “The fact that the district has now even banned the use of the digital file is a warning sign.” In how many authorities the digital file is used, what will become of the plans – no word on that.


Digitization Green Berlin Interior Senator Iris Spranger Stefanie Remlinger
