Mitte has two new bosses, but the old problems

From Hildburg Bruns

Lush bouquets of flowers stand in the new office, old problems lie on the table. Welcome to Rathaus Tiergarten! The office of the mayor of the Green Party, Stefanie Remlinger (51), and the school councilor, Maja Lasić (43, SPD).

After a week in office, Remlinger goes straight to the top:

► “It is dubious to exclude the accommodation of refugees in gyms,” said Remlinger.

Possible again: the occupation of gymnasiums with refugees

Possible again: the occupation of gymnasiums with refugees Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

And: “I don’t think anything can be ruled out at the moment.” Around 117 asylum seekers come mainly from Syria, Moldova and Afghanistan every day, plus 230 war refugees from Ukraine.

FDP interior expert Björn Jotzo (47) counters: “The administration must do everything possible to give priority to other and vacant state-owned properties, such as the ICC, to occupy.”

“If we are honest, Friedrichstrasse has never been attractive for cars. And the industry has never flourished,” says Remlinger.

Come away now: the glass houses on Friedrichstrasse

Come away now: the glass houses on Friedrichstrasse Photo: Thomas Spikermann

The birth defects from their point of view: “The sidewalks are too narrow, the lanes too.” In the next few days, your green space office will first clear the strange greenhouses from the asphalt. Remlinger: “They are no longer in such an attractive condition.”

Nevertheless, she relies on a pedestrian boulevard on which one can stroll without fear. Cyclists are banished to the parallel Charlottenstrasse.

► “Religious freedom is a precious good. But we are now making contact with the sect commissioner,” says Remlinger.

New Nazareth Church: The district is examining the purchase for 400,000 euros

New Nazareth Church: The district is examining the purchase for 400,000 euros Photo: picture alliance / imageBROKER

It is about the purchase of the New Nazareth Church on Leopoldplatz (Wedding) by the district. The “Universal Church of the Kingdom of God”, which supports the controversial President Bolsonaro in Brazil, also wants to buy into the building. She already has a lease until 2036.

Remlinger: “As a district, we would have to pump millions into the building and could not use it for a long time, for example for a children’s museum.”
