Mitte district wants to dredge up a playground for offices

By Sara Orlos Fernandes

A new office building is to be built at Humboldthain S-Bahn station. Part of the playground at Hochstraße 46 was fenced off for this purpose. The local residents are angry and club owners also fear for their future.

“Suddenly there was a construction fence here on the playground. There isn’t even a sign at the construction site,” criticizes Dr. Standards Rohde (47). There is no need for a new office building on site. Next door, several thousand square meters are empty.

Because the district didn’t give them a chance to participate in the planning process, the people in the Humboldthain neighborhood started a petition against the building project. Almost 6000 signatures (as of Monday) have already been collected.

Because the playground is important for many families in the area. That is why the CDU recently submitted an emergency motion against the demolition in the district parliament. However, this was referred to the committee.

“We have a complete misunderstanding. The leisure opportunities for families here are very few,” says district councilor Daniela Fritz (39, CDU).

CDU district councilor Daniela Fritz (39):

CDU district councilor Daniela Fritz (39): “You can’t take the playground away from the families and say it will be rebuilt at some point. It makes things a bit easier for you.” Photo: Charles Yunck

When BZ asked, the district office confirmed that part of the playground had been handed over to the investor. There was a property exchange of a 191 square meter sub-area.

“The playground will be dismantled on the area taken over by the investor for development and at the same time playground equipment will be set up on the area given up by the investor,” said a spokeswoman. When, however, is not yet clear.

The parents are worried about not being able to use the remaining playground in the future due to the close proximity to the construction site.

Owners of the Humboldthain Club since 2013: Oliver Jungnick (43, right) and Ludwig Eben (44, left) fear for their future:

Owners of the Humboldthain Club since 2013: Oliver Jungnick (43, right) and Ludwig Eben (44, left) fear for their future: “We’re afraid of noise complaints from future neighbors” Photo: Charles Yunck

The owners of the neighboring Humboldthain Club are also critical of the building: “We belong to the neighborhood and are afraid of future noise complaints,” says Oliver Jungnick (43). Your inquiries about this to the district have remained unanswered to this day.
