Missing submarine, radars hear shots, how much time do the passengers have

For the 5 aboard the submarine used to see the remains of the Titanic, time is running out

Riccardo Cristilli

They go on submarine searches used to get a close look at the wreck of the Titanic and which has been lost since Monday. They are on board five people including a father and son and an English billionaire, as well as two expert explorers and navigators. In the last few hours, the United States has rekindled the hope of finding them alive, while fighting against time and the risk of running out of oxygen.

Missing submarine – feel the shots

American media reported that, according to an email sent to the Washington Department of Homeland Security, during search operations for the submarine, the sonar used to scan the seabed, it would have happened some shots at 30-minute intervals. Sonar was then used four hours later in the same area and the noise was still present. It is probable that the ship intercepted the area where the submarine would be. They are on board Hamish Harding with pilot diploma and former French Navy diver Henri Nargeolet who may have the experience needed to handle the emergency and to have coordinated the other passengers with the aim of making these sounds.

who is on board

The names of the five are confirmed passengers aboard Titan. The shipments, organized by OceanGate, are rare and very expensive, the single ticket for a passenger costs 250,000 dollars. The British billionaire would be on board Hamish Harding 58 years old, founder of Action Aviation and holder of the record for staying in the Mariana Trench but also famous for the fastest circumnavigation of the earth. Harding has been to the South Pole several times and participated in space expeditions with Jeff Bezos’ company Blue Origin. Also on board is the founder of OceanGate Stockton Rush and Paul-Henry Nargolet 77-year-old former French Navy diver who participated in the first expedition that found the wreck of the Titanic. Together with them, contrary to the first hypotheses, there would not be a pilot and an assistant but a British entrepreneur belonging to a wealthy Pakistani family Shazada Dawood with 19-year-old son Suleman.

security concerns

Meanwhile, doubts emerge about the safety of the Titan dating back to 2018 when it was still in the planning stage. An employee of the company, David Lochridge, was fired after expressing doubts about the experimental carbon fiber hull. Lochridge would have told Rush himself that the hull of the Titan could only have obtained certification to descend to 1300 meters and not to reach 3800 where the Titanic is. In 2019, OceanGate argued that the certification system is anathema to innovation and that the risks were avoidable with operational procedures.
