Missing children found alive in Colombia jungle seventeen days after plane crash

The children are 13 years old, 9 years old, 4 years old and 11 months old, reports the Colombian government. The four children would be siblings. The bodies of three adults were found on Monday and Tuesday. The mother of four children is said to be among the dead.

The children would have survived by eating fruits from the jungle. They would also have made a sheltered place with the help of branches and large leaves. They were found after “a very difficult but successful rescue operation by the army”, according to the authorities.

Drinking bottle

More than a hundred soldiers searched with, among other things, sniffer dogs. First, a drinking bottle belonging to the baby was found in the makeshift hut. There was also a children’s scissors. The foursome was located a few hours later.

The plane was en route to San Jose del Guaviare in central Colombia when it disappeared from radar. The cause of the crash is not yet officially known, but there would have been a technical defect.

Soldiers and indigenous people previously found property and partially eaten apples in the area around the crash site.
