Miss Finland Petra Hämäläinen was already celebrated in 2016

Miss Finland Petra Hämäläinen, 26, has a strong modeling background. In his victory interview, he tells what kind of jobs he dreams of.

Finland got a new Miss Finland today, when Miss Finland 2021 Essi Unkuri crowned her successor. The brightest crown was printed Petra Hämäläinen26, to the head.

Hämäläinen, originally from Savonlinna, has always dreamed of a mission.

– The Miss Finland competition has always been in my mind. I have been watching pageants since I was little. I always knew that I would still apply there one day, Miss Suomi tells Iltalehte immediately after the victory.

Hämäläinen has a bachelor’s degree in education and is still studying to become a classroom and home economics teacher.

– I dream of a career as Miss Finland, which has come true here. After that, I hope to be able to work in the entertainment industry, maybe as a presenter or in other contexts – whatever opportunities come my way, Hämäläinen says.

He is openly enthusiastic about his gap year.

– I am looking forward to many new opportunities to seize. I am waiting to fulfill this great dream of mine. As Essikin (Unkuri) said, he has gained a lot from this missive year. I’m really looking forward to it, says Hämäläinen.

Petra Hämäläinen dreams of the entertainment industry. Atte Kajova

Hämäläinen has already started modeling at the age of 16. In 2016, Iltalehti told about 19-year-old Petra from Savonlinna, who made it to the finals of the prestigious Elite Model Look World competition.

Hämäläinen had worked, among other things, as a star designer in the Finnish fashion world Jukka Rintalan in screenings.

The fresh Miss Finland is already looking forward to international competitions.

– I’m waiting to get there on the Universum stage. I’m going to rock hard there and make Finland and the organization proud, he gushes.

The 2021 Miss Finland Essi Unkuri was seen moved in the final. He has been closely involved in the 2022 pageant tour with the finalists. Atte Kajova

The parents of the newly crowned Miss Finland rushed to congratulate their daughter right after the win.

– Feeling confused, but we are very happy and happy for our child, father Markku Hämäläinen tells Iltalehte.

He says that the dreams of his daughter, who worked as a model, have focused more brightly on the world of pageants in recent years.

Petra Hämäläinen received warm hugs from her parents. Atte Kajova

Nana Partanen (right) was crowned as the first hereditary princess and Adelaide Botty van den Bruele (left) was crowned as the second hereditary princess. Atte Kajova
