Miss Finland Paula Joukanen thanked her beloved Ignacio for her support – The first joint photos of the sparkling couple

Paula Joukanen was crowned Miss Finland. Her boyfriend Ignacio came to the finals all the way from America.

Paula Joukanen, 22, was crowned Miss Finland 2023.

Joukanen described right after the coronation that he felt like he was in a dream.

– I still can’t believe this to be true, Miss Suomi said to Iltalehti in shock.

Joukanen was especially upset about the win because she didn’t hear who was crowned Miss Finland at first.

– At first I thought it was the wrong number. I looked at Serina and she was cheering too so I thought she won. Then I realized that I won!

Here is Miss Finland Paula Joukanen’s Ignacio lover. Jussi Eskola

Joukanen said that getting the crown has required special dedication from him.

– This has required believing in myself. I’ve always been really driven and competitive. If I’ve joined something, I’ve done it all the way to the end.

The newly crowned Miss Finland is also known in tennis circles, and Joukanen has also earned medals with her playing skills. However, the Miss Finland title means more to her at this point.

– This is the whole nation’s business, I am the nation’s miss! I will go down in the history books. I get to represent Finland in the historic El Salvador Miss Universe competitions, where Finland last won the Miss Universe title in the 70s. This is very honorable, that I get to repeat history.

Paula and Ignacio met through tennis. Jussi Eskola

Joukanen said that he plans to prepare physically and mentally as well as possible for the Miss Universe competitions, which will be held in just over two months.

– This will be just preparation. Walking exercises, changing suits, I need almost 100 suits!

Beloved for support

Joukanen has also found love in his life. She is dating 24-year-old tennis player Ignacio. The boyfriend of the recent Miss Finland had arrived in Finland to cheer on Joukanen’s victory.

– Yes, I kicked him out of that stand! The close circle and my boyfriend have been a great support, they trust me.

– My boyfriend’s family already promised when they heard that I was participating in the Miss Finland pageant that they would come to the Miss Universe pageant to watch. So see you there!

Ignacio arrived from America to cheer his girlfriend to victory. Jussi Eskola

Ignacio told Iltalehte after Joukanen’s coronation that he is really proud and excited for his girlfriend.

– I wouldn’t have believed this! But he looks really happy, so I’m happy too, Ignacio told Iltalehti.

Ignacio understood that Joukase could become Miss Finland, but he also knew that the level was high.

– You never know! I’m really happy, he continued.

Joukanen’s boyfriend was going to party with his newly crowned girlfriend.

Ignacchio said that he especially loves Joukase’s personality.

– I love him all the way. She is really kind, funny, talented and beautiful inside and out. I’m really proud, Ignacio was happy about the victory and his girlfriend.

Paula is happy with the support her boyfriend has given her. Jussi Eskola
