Miss Finland finalists in childhood photos

The 2023 Miss Finland contestants have shared their own childhood photos.

The Miss Finland finalists tell their best school memories accompanied by their childhood photos, according to the announcement sent on Thursday.

Miss Finland will be chosen on September 9.

Maisa Alatalo, 21 (Tampere)

– My friends often described me as “small, but hot”. I did figure skating in a competitive group and in my spare time I liked to bake different kinds of pastries. My favorite school subjects were physical education and music. The recorder in particular turned out to be a favorite instrument. My parents certainly appreciated the numerous training sessions in the living room.

Sa Myer Oo, 27 (Vaasa)

– The photo was taken in 2007, when my family and I came to Finland. But we were received very well and the adults took care of us. For the first time I felt that I could be a child. Learning and the experiences of success were the best memories of school. Thank you to all the teachers and school staff for their valuable and important work.

Anni Seppänen, 22 (Kajaani)

– I remember the day when I applied for the music class and went to the “entrance exams” for the music class as a second grader. There you had to sing a song of your choice and repeat the rhythm you heard with the rhythm sticks. I sang the children’s traffic song. I don’t remember much about repeating the rhythm. I practiced and gave singing performances for my mother before the entrance exam a few nights. In the end, I managed to get into the music class and attended the Kajaani Central School throughout my primary schooling.

Sofia Singh, 27 (Helsinki)

– I always liked school and my favorite subjects were languages, geography and music. I was in music class in middle school and elementary school and often got to perform in school plays. Even though I liked school and had wonderful friends, I always felt a bit like an outsider. My family and I moved a lot, so I was always “the new girl”. You always had to reacquaint yourself with a new environment and people. I still learned a lot and I think my eloquence and outgoing personality developed a lot during this time.

Lumi Liikanen, 24 (Heinola)

– The picture was taken when I went to the third grade. I remember everyone else wearing traditional indoor slippers, but I always had the big furry monster slippers at school.

Scharliina Eräpuro, 23 (Turku)

– My favorite subjects at school were mathematics and physical education. I was quite the nerd at school. In elementary school, I loved school and learning new things.

Paula Joukanen, 22 (Espoo)

– I have nothing but good memories from elementary school! I liked school a lot and had a lot of friends. Admittedly, I was a bit too active in my nature, which was reflected in the fact that the worst grade in my final certificate was always behavior. My favorite subjects in elementary school were physical education and mathematics. I still love sports, not so much maths – I’ve moved on to more social subjects with my graduation.

Serina Suvila, 23 (Turku)

– I remember how when I started school, everyone’s name was written on the desk and mine read Naomi. So Naomi is my official first name, but in the family I have always been called Serina. So the name was changed, but it was accidentally changed to Serena and then only to Serina. Some teacher sometimes even called him a Sardine. It was funny that almost every time a new teacher came, my name was said wrong.

Rimi Riutta, 25 (Tampere)

– My favorite memories from elementary school are the class spirit and the trips we took together. Sometimes I wonder if I could go back to the time when there were no worries and the world was still seen through rose-colored glasses. I haven’t kept in touch with my classmates, but I wish them all the best.

Jenna Rintamäki, 23 (Kangasala)

– My favorite memory from elementary school is the sixth grade class trip when we went to Estonia. I have always loved traveling and hearing different languages. Languages ​​have always been my favorite subject at school!
