Miss Finland Essi Unkuri glows with her love for Viljami

Miss Finland glows with her happiness in the cat.

Essi Unkuri and Viljami Harjuniemi have been together for three years. Kari Pekonen

Miss Finland 2021 Essi Unkuri, 23, celebrated her anniversary on Friday Viljami Harjuniemi with.

The couple has been dating for three years. In honor of the holiday, Unkuri published a series of sweet pictures in which he and Harjuniemi are together. In the caption, Unkuri reveals that before that relationship, she was never anyone’s “real girlfriend”.

– 25.2.2019 you asked me to be your girlfriend. It was the first time I ever had someone’s real girlfriend. That word also felt weird in the mouth, “girlfriend”. I didn’t know then what wonderful thing we have in front of us. However, I knew I was happiest with the sun, he writes.

Pictures can be viewed from here or by clicking the arrow on the bottom right.

The couple, living under the same roof, have also worked together.

– That’s how things progressed at a pretty fast pace. Moved together a couple of months later, a joint online store was set up and a joint dog was acquired a year later. Until then, I had always been the girl who gets anxious as soon as the relationship starts to get serious, but with the sun everything felt so right and I was ready to jump on that feeling. Puts myself in full swing.

Unkuri was crowned Miss Finland in the autumn of 2021. The competition was exceptionally organized in an all-star version, ie the finalists were already familiar from the competitions of previous years. Unkuri had competed in the 2017 finals, when he was chosen as an audience favorite. The relationship has lasted through a demanding miss year.

– It is always said that a relationship does not last a millennium. We weren’t spared any of those comments either, but it didn’t scare us. We have such strong credit, love and understanding for each other that it is hard to shake it at all, Unkuri continues its caption.

He believes his first relationship will also be his last.

– Year after year, I’m more sure that it clicked by number one.

Harjuniemi is an entrepreneur in the field of digital content production. She has also worked as a photographer in the filming of the fantasy costume of the Miss Universe competition in Hungary.

In the video, Essi Unkuri presents her fantasy outfit for the Miss Universum competition.
