Miracle Room on Public TV and the opposition reaction due to “lack of objectivity”

miracle room It is a trend on Twitter since last Sunday, the program of El Trece, “PPT” (Journalism For All) of George Lanata, aired an interview that the driver conducted with the former collaborator of the Tupac Amaru leader, Mirta Guerreroaka “Shakira”.

In that talk, “Shakira” He stated that Milagro Sala “was a monster”, that she was violent, and even gave details of how she kept money that should be used for social organization works, and how she spent it. ran away abroad on the trips he made, including one to Rome to meet with the Pope Francisco.

Milagro Sala was invited to the program “unequal”, of the Public Television, where he made his discharge. But what caused outrage in several opposition figures was the tone of the interview on the program they host. Pablo Caruso and Lucila Trujillowhom they described as biased and “lacking objectivity.”

The base of the program announced “the suggestive reappearance of Shakira Guerrero”, and the host, Lucila “Luli” Trujillosaid: “how particular that in Argentina a governor is applauded (Ndr: by Gerardo Morales) for imprisoning someone. I always understood that the one who puts someone in prison or not is a judge. The Judiciary, not the executive of a province. But maybe it’s my mistake, ”she opined.

Later Trujillo She asked Sala why she thought Morales “hated her so much.” And regarding the accusations of her former collaborator, Sala declared that “unfortunately, Shakira, out of necessity or I don’t know why, entered that one”, and said that she is victim of the “tightening” of Gerardo Morales.

unequal rooms

Christian Larsen, director of Radio y Televisión Argentina SE for the opposition, questioned the public channel for its “lack of objectivity”; and different referents of the Together for Change came out to complain about the same thing in the bird’s network.

Comparisons with “678” were not lacking, the program that was an icon of Public TV in times of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner, and object of debate due to its markedly pro-government tone, and its reports that are usually critical of opposition figures.

Milagros Sala is serving a sentence for the “Pibes villeros” case, in which she was accused of illicit association with provincial officials and cooperative members, in addition to charges of extortion. Jujuy justice handed down a sentence of 13 years in prison.

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