Minttu Vesala’s walk became a Tiktok hit

Stylist and model Minttu Vesala’s energetic walking style stole the show at the Balengica fashion show.

Finnish Minttu Vesala has become Balenciaga’s credit model. All Over Press

Fashion house Balenciaga is known for its exceptional fashion shows. The fashion show seen at the Paris Fashion Weeks still made it to the top of the most special fashion shows.

One of the things that made it special was that the models presented Balenciaga’s new products in muddy coats.

In addition to the strange environment, Tiktok has paid attention to the models’ posture and walking style. Many Tiktok users lamented the fate of shoes marinated in mud.

One of the videos that became very popular stars a Finnish model Mint Vesala. The video in question can be found on the Tiktok account of the fashion-focused iD magazine, and it has collected a total of more than two million likes.

The video has collected almost 26 million views. A lot of comments have also accumulated under the video.

– My Monday mornings look like this, one Tiktok user commented.

If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

At Balenciaga’s fashion show, everyday life meets high fashion. If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

A familiar face at Balenciaga’s fashion shows

Vesala has already walked numerous times in Balenciaga’s fashion shows.

You could say that in recent years she has become one of the top fashion house’s credit models.

Vesala has shared a video from previous Balenciaga fashion shows on her Instagram account. This video also shows his personal walking style. If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

In July 2022, Minttu Vesala was seen at the Balenciaga fashion show in an impressive look.

Actress Nicole Kidman, singer Dua Lipa and entrepreneur Kim Kardashian walked alongside Vesala.
