Minstens éen gewonde bij vechtpartij: “Disappearing transmigrants went elkaar te lijf met hakbijl” | Brussels

The Brussel Hoofdstad Elsene Kreeg political zone registers a project for a vechtpartij on the Diksmuidelaan. There is at least one thread, so the policy is confirmed. Volgens enkele getuigen went het om transmigrants who went elkaar met een hakbijl te lijf.

“Only services are given around 17.45 and an opening for a vechtpartij near a tram stop on the Diksmuidelaan. The place is found in a stupid person. It is brought to the ziekenhuis, but there is no living in there. A perimeter will be established. A reason for that is what it is supposed to be like and how drunk it is in that time,” says politiewoordvoerster Ilse Van de Keere.

Overall bloody

Op de beelden is te zien hoe een enormous hakbijl be met op de plaats van the incident, but can de politie not confirm that. As a result, the grandchildren went to transmigrants who lived there. “Overall were bloedspatten op het voetpad”, described ze. “Het went om Afrikaanse transmigrants who came to the United Kingdom because of their asiel aan te vragen. In combination with crack and alcohol, it’s going to happen in the UK for buitensporig”, says buurtbewoner Eric Vandezande, who’s situation is big. “The transmigrants stay on our sidewalks on the north side of the town. Prosecution has been pointed out by malafide aannemers by how it has been said and misused. Het is een in front of the van mensenhandel.”

Eric quoted in the building association Scainctelette and complained about the problems for a long time. “This phenomenon is generally known, also at the stadsbestuur. Het loopt nu uit de hand en de buurtbewoners voelen zich niet begrepen. Families with children verhuizen because of the security. In Buren, you never really enjoyed it as much as you did. Meermaals we dit beproken met het gemeentebestuur. Wij voelen ons aan ons lot overgelaten, terwijl er vandaag letterlijk mensenbloed aan onze voordeur plakt”, belsuit hij.
